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Termites are small white, beige or black insects that can cause a lot of damage to wooden structures. Termites belong to the insect order Isoptera .

They are often confused with ants. The main difference between termites and ants is that their bodies are one-piece with a small constriction between the thorax and abdomen, without the thin stalk that ants have that joins their thorax to their abdomen.

Termites are divided into:

They are the most widespread and destructive. They live in the soil and bore passages until they reach wood or fibrous materials above ground. The infestation is not obvious as long as the wood appears externally intact, they form colonies that can reach millions of individuals. In Greece, there are mainly 2 species of subterranean termites of the genus Reticulitermes that have identical habits. Their nests are in the soil and they build the characteristic earthen pipes ( tubes ). These ducts are essentially the paths of the termites which lead them from the ground into the buildings. The queen and eggs of subterranean termites are always found deep in the soil. Earthen conduits connect the nest in the ground to wooden parts inside and outside the buildings. For example floors, wooden beams or pieces of wood (eg fireplace logs) or cellulose products (books)

Subterranean termites climb up through the ducts and feed. At the same time, they bring the food down to the ground where their nest is located to feed the other individuals (reproductive hoplites, nymphs, etc.). The conduits that subterranean termites build aren't exactly dirt. Their material is a mixture of soil, pieces of wood and the watery droppings of subterranean termites. Ducts serve to keep moisture inside. In avoiding light and protecting subterranean termites by simulating ground conditions.

Termites of this species live in dry and healthy wood. The infestation appears in the pile of young in the form of droppings and they make their galleries in the wood and not in the ground. These termites create colonies with fewer individuals than underground ones (about 600). Their nests and galleries are in the wood, without communication with the ground. They infest a wide variety of wood species in structures and trees. These termites do not make earthen channels like subterraneans, but there are hexahedral droppings like small seeds 0.5-1 millimeter inside their galleries or around small holes that open. The damage they cause to homes is usually to wooden floors after being exposed to some moisture. They are often seen near patio doors first and can then spread across the floor.

They attack wood with a high moisture content of more than 15%. They do not build earthen conduits and their openings to the wood are blocked with excrement materials (eaten wood and dirt). The damage they cause to the wood is often greater when there is an infestation and fungi that cause it to rot

They are noticeably larger than undergrounds, with workers and hoplites reaching up to 20mm in length and swarmers at 25mm (including wings). Colonies of wetwood termites are typically found within the infested wood without usually requiring soil contact. They are often observed on fallen tree trunks, stakes or other rotting wood and free or in contact with moist soil. Termite hoplites have a large redder head (compared to previous classes), large mouthparts and strong jaws. They do not construct earthen conduits (as do subterranean termites) and the openings to the wood are blocked with droppings or other materials. Spheroid excrement with a maximum diameter of 1 mm are firmly held on the surface of the galleries or are expelled outside it (depending on the moisture content of the wood). The damage they cause is greater when they work together with fungi that cause wet wood rot.


The preparation used is Basf 's Termidor 9% SC and it is the only one in our country with approval that does not repel termites, since it is not detected by them through smell or sight, unlike the rest of the pyrethrinoid insecticides that show repellants Results.

The method of metamorphosis is based on the sociability of the insects and the transfer of the active substance throughout the colony. The formulation used does not repel termites (subterranean, dry and wet wood) since it is not detected by them through smell or sight, unlike other pyrethrinoid insecticides. They come into contact with the formulation or take it orally and thus distribute it to the rest of the insects in the colony. They swallow it or carry it with their body mechanically and thus the entire colony is gradually "infected". The activity is the same as contact or oral and slow so that we achieve through trophic exchange (transfer of food or other fluids between colony members from mouth to mouth or from anus to mouth) the exchange of lethal doses from termite to termite

Holes are created outside the perimeter of the building on the wall or in the soil, holes every 20 cm and 50 cm deep, where we pour 1 liter of thermidor solution per hole, and then we close them with soil and cement.

With this method we achieve the reduction of the colony, but we should monitor at regular intervals with baits.

Termite baits work more by trying to reduce the termite colony at its source than as a deterrent to their appearance in the building. The application relies on placing untreated wood in the bait stations to determine if termites are active around the home. In large infestations and especially in dry cargo termite infestations, we apply the fumigation method with phosphine as long as this is feasible for the specific area from a safety point of view.

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